Monday, June 25, 2007
Title: ubin trip
Dearest all, Sorry for not updating my blog.

Have been busy lately, With love.

Well last weekend, my baby and I went over to ubin chalet for a weekend getaway before school starts. And I must say even though it was only for two days, we really did have fun and enjoyed each other's company. Its been long since the both of us cuddle in each other's arms and fall asleep in love. Well school has started for the both of us but this will not slow us down. We'll definitely make it through! No matter what happens, We'll stand by each other.

On saturday, we set off with the earliest ferry that took us to Ubin and it was pretty fast. ckecked in and got our keys. This time round I remember the room nunber-314. haha. Well don't expect too much from the room but still can make it. Just like any other chalets here in Singapore. One toilet and one bed and a tv set. Thats quite about it. Well this time round, compared to that time when I had my birthday celebration over at sentosa, it was a total different feeling. Back then at Sentosa, We felt likt we were out of town, as in like as if we wre overseas, I think it cuz of the room but ya. This time round, we feltlike we were home but ya, as in we feel like we never left Singapore and was like at pasir ris or something but one thing is for sure. The company I had was the same. It feels good to know that my baby was there beside me for the past two days. I really did have fun.

The first night was bbq, and actually we were quite surprised with the anount of food that was given. as in we paid $38 for the two of us for the bbq abd according to the menu online, it was quite a big feast but when we saw the food that was given I was like a bit..... wtf. But surprisingly, the seasoning was damn good. Especially the chicken wings. Ate and slacked for a while. Then we walked to one corner of the place and sat down to admire the stars but I'm so sorry baby, it was a little disappointing to know that there werent many stars but rest assure, we'll go somewhere where we can lay down by the beach at night and enjoy the night sky together.

Throughout the afternoon, we played mastermind and were having a hell lot of fun!! haha. Its one game that can last very long. Well we really did have lotsa fun!! Lunch was above my expectation for taste but just a little too much oil was used in the cooking but overall its pretty good!

Coming to the leaving part. Sigh it was hard. It was like we just came and we were leaving. Baby really enjoyed herself so much that she didnt wanna go back home. Well, me too. We really liked this kinda holiday that we can enjoy each other. But its just that its too short. The next time we go away, We must go for at least 4 days! It'll come soon k baby?

During these two days baby, I really had so much fun and I amsure the two days have brought us so much closer to each other. My lover. My everything.

Monday, June 18, 2007
Title: its been a week.
Love needs no long definitions.
Love needs no bombastic words to describe.
Love is just 6 letters.


It's been a tough and hard sailing week for the both of us.
Well I don't like to dwell in the past so let's just say we're now so much better in terms of relationship. Like what I told winson before, if you have a breakup and then patch up, onlt two things will happen. Either the relationship goes from bad to worse or its from better to best. And for me, it's for better to best to wonderful to perfect.

This time round we communicated so much better. We talked our hearts out on the 13 of june by the beach. We trashed things out. All of them. What I have been thinking and what she was thinking about. All unhappines was poured out and now what's left are two hearts burning with desire to love and understand each other more. Well, many things happened prior to this but i must say again, the beach really meant something to the both of us. It's the only place i feel calm and I can be myself. It may sound stupid, it may sound dumb, it may sound ridiculous but yes, the beach really mean something to the both of us, especially me.

On the 13 of june, we were out with uncle joe, we went out to visit hook, a cat, and went to the park. So we were just walkin and we went to the beach and walked down with sand in our toes. Well, at that time, my heart was still unsure, I swear I was still thinking. Well, about what I don't know. After that we sat down on the bench and we just talked. So I was thinking to myself, Since things are already like that as in, in a bad shape, and it's not like I don't love her anymore, why not give it another try, and this time round, notice all the small details on her. Notice everything about her, like why did my baby wear this pair of shoes today? Is it cuz it goes with what she's wearing or maybe it's just because it's just convienient to slip it in. Or why did my baby eat kway tiao instead of mee pok. Well it's all the small little things thats matter. This time, I have became more sensitive to her feelings, I'll put her in my shoes. I will.

Well its all like a brand new start. A new start to our book of love. A new start to a new life, With you, my Wondergirl, my nana, my everything.

Monday, June 11, 2007
Title: Tioman trip
The story of 3 friends (brothers for life)

who would carry you and guide you when you're drunk?

who would listen to all your problems in the middle of the night?

who would mind you crying out to them?

who would come over and give you a pad when you're down and crying?

who would tell you "what are brothers for"?

This two guys in the picture will. In fact they'll do anything and everything to make my life worthwhile. I have never ever regretted anything. I love the both of them so much that I have been thinking about having a tattoo for the past week. A tattoo of three of our names. Right on the right side of my side abs. Well I may do it. Who knows?..

Well the tioman trip was just great. The sea water was clear like swimming pool water, if not clearer. The sand is fine as flour, if not finer. The sun is perfect. The music is wonderful. Everything compliments each other so well, it's like in a picture. When we reached the island, we had a 4 wheel drive waiting to drive us to the resort. And the journey to the resort was once in a lifetime experience. We really went through mud and super steep slopes. The driver really made full use of the engine. In fact, he abused it. At night, we bought a bottle of Jack Daniel's whiskey. It was only 60Rm. Dirt cheap. And I must say all the songs that were playing at the bar, really affected me a hell lot. Songs like "I swear" , "When you believe"....... and many other lovely and romantic songs, those that make you cry when you down and alone, but at the same time make you smile when you're with the one you love. I was feeling so down.

We drank the night away and i got wasted. It was my first time so darn drunk. I hated this kinda feeling. But I had to numb the pain. Its foolish and dumb and childish, whatever you call it. It's my life so let me deal with it. So I got wasted and went back to the room and slept. like a log.

Second day was snorkling. All the corals are super gorgeous. Its a waste we didnt get an underwater camera. It'd be great if we had one. But then again, the corals are so magnificient! So many different colors! Like what foo said, He thought all these could only be seen on television and magazines, We saw it with our own eyes. Magnificient. Mother nature is still the best. No doubt bout it. Well so we spend the whole day snorkling at different spots and went back at bout 4 plus. Went to sleep while waiting for dinner. After dinner, I don't know why, I started to think about you. So so much. I cried. Very badly. Like I said, the songs added fuel to fire. I had a good cry I must say. All I thought about was the beach. Because the beach meant something to the both of us. Th stars were all over the sky. Like a galaxy. It was so charming. I wished you were there with me. You'd lie on me and I would lie on you. But things ain't the same anymore. Well the last day was just plain simple and always the same. Wake up and go home. It sucks to go home. I can stay there forever, for eternity. I love the life, I love the people and most of all, I love the beach. I love everthing there. Well its all over now and all I have are memories and pictures to remind me of how everything looked like and from them, i go back into the memories.

All was good. But memories will still live on.

This shirt, i bought it for a reason....

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Title: back from camp.
I'm back from the camp.

It's a success. We pulled it through. All of us played a part.

Once again, the feeling of leaving the camp is not nice. I miss evryone from the camp. 4 days together is not nothing. It's something. I'm sure everyone in the planning commitee feels the same way cuz it's a natural way of how we'll feel after camps. I don't like the feeling but i like the feeling. It's funny. I don't know how to explain to you guys but thought of ending the camp feels good and all cuz finally all we planned for has been done and all the hard work of endless hours of meeting is finally showing. But on the other hand, the thought of us going through so much together and now we just leave in our own seperate ways just don't feel good for me. It's like i miss everyone in the planning com. Especially my meimei. She really inproved so much after this camp. And I'm so very proud of her. Well just a little history bout me and my meimei. We only gotta know each other after last year's year end camp and the funny thing is, We kinda knew each other before but not so close. And its legion that brought us so close together. I like it when you have someone close to your heart in legion, it just adds on to so much other positive stuff, friendship is definitely one of them. And I'm sure all of us treasure the relationship we have with one another. Its something found only here, not anywhere else. I really miss everyone from the camp, especially meiemi.

Well the best part of the camp was always the praise and worship session. And this year, i felt a different feeling. I admit I didnt really feel God, but what I felt was memories form all the previous camps all the way from 1998 when I went for my first one. Back then I was Primary 4. And the year end camp back then was the most talked about thing in legion, it was an honor to be in the planning commitee, it was something most people wanna do cuz back then, we had like 40 over people for a camp and the numbers ruduced over the years, but the spirit of the camps will always stay close to my heart. The cheers we scream to please the game masters just to get more points, the non-air-con classroom we spend our nights in for 5 days and 4 nights, the writting of SP letters late into the night, the giving of stuff and doing things for our SP and so many other stuff that can tear you when you think of them. The meomories are always re-lived after every camp. allthe memories will come back. Like this camp's P&W, all that was in my mind was people from the past that I really really looked up to and all the hugging and swaying when we sang songs, it was all good memories, nothing seems to be bad, I don't know why. This time, my meimei was the one I thought of, she came into my life as nobody and she was just another girl that maybe will just go away sometime later on but no, She meant sonething to me. Someone special. She is a changed girl now from this year's camp, she grew. She's changed, for the better and it's like I saw her through doing that, I watched her grew and she still has a lot of improvements to make but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step and she did, she took first steps and she'll continue to grow. Well, its sort of like a teacher seeing her students finish their leaving school exams and the teacher knows that he/she has done something to make a difference no matter big or small in the student's life and this is exactly how I'm feeling now. I'm really proud of you meimei, You really didnt let me down. Kor is really proud of you. (10/10/2006)

Well the end of the camp marks a beginning to another, for many of the new guys in the planning commitee, I'm glad you took up the challenge and I know for sure you took home something with you in which textbooks can't teach. The feeling you're feeling now-missing the company, is a good one, it means you guys mean something to each other. Somewhere in your heart, is a place for someone special. And I'm glad all of you stayed together and make this camp a success. Give yourselves a pad on the back. You guys really did a great and wonderful job.

jie jie
LOM people

To live life
